New Fiction Anthology
Title: Between There: volume 2
Edited By: Anthony S. Buoni
Publisher: Pulpwood Press
Submissions Due: 31 October 2012
Release Date: Fall 2013
Send Submissions and Questions to:
Ghosts are everywhere. This upcoming anthology is a glimpse through the thin veil separating life and death, that shadowy realm BETWEEN THERE. I am looking for fictional horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy stories centered on intelligent or residual hauntings, the afterlife, ghost ships or haunted houses. The ghosts in the stories may be frightening, funny, vengeful, lustful, unaware (or totally cognitive) they are deceased. Sometimes they are just doing a job, much like the living. The stories may contain a place or an object that is haunted—we are open to the bizarre, the macabre, anything that chills the nerves or entertains the mind. Remember, the obvious is not always the best route.
If you would like to check out the 1st anthology, click here.
*Deadline is noon, 31 October 2012, but depending on story quality or submission numbers, this may be extended.
*Payment is $20 and two (2) contributor copies, payable upon publication (negotiated rates for established authors.
*Suggested word count is 3,000 to 7,000 words. A little more or a little less is acceptable, so long as the story feels at home in the anthology.
*Original works only; AKA no reprints.
*Simultaneous submissions are OK; however, if another anthology obtains your story first, let me know so I don’t infringe.
*Multiple submissions are OK.
*The book will be available as a trade paperback and electronic formats.
*You retain rights to your story, but I ask for first print and electronic rights for six (6) months after publication date, then you are free to resell it.
*This anthology is intended for mature audiences. Sex and profanity are acceptable, however, not in excess. If gory for gore’s sake, or vulgar just to be crude, your story will be rejected. Themes must be central to plot and character.
*Send submission as attachment only. Do no embed in body of e-mail. Preferred file types are .doc or .rtf—if I have trouble opening the document in Word, I will let you know.
*Email subject lines and files should have the name of the anthology, the authors last name and the story title so I can keep organized. Example: between there v2_smith_gloom house
*No headers or page numbers.
*Please use Times New Roman, Courier, Verdana, Arial or Georgia 12 point for submissions.
*Include your real name, address, phone, e-mail, story title, and word count on title page of submission.
*In submission e-mail, please include a brief bio written in 3rd person so I may include it in the anthology if chosen for publication.
*You may withdraw your short story from consideration at any time, but this request must be made in writing (e-mail acceptable).
*I reserve the right to reject any submissions not following these guidelines.
Good luck and have fun!
-Anthony S. Buoni
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